Tuesday 22 February 2011

The Other Guys

Two mismatched detectives (mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell) take the opportunity to fill the shoes of the top two cops in New York after their untimely demise.

Director Adam Mackay and Will Ferrell pull it off yet again with this fun comedy. Bit of slap-stick, bit of satire, bit of idiot humour, action scenes - it's like a smorgasbord of laughter. Brilliantly funny.

4 elephants


Imagine a world where technology exists that allows you to enter a human mind through dream invasion.

This film was awesome. I mean like really awesome. Like really, really awesome. Like totally awesomely, awesome! And we're not telling you anymore because we don't want to spoil it (not that anyone reads this blog) So if you haven't seen this movie, go and see it now. I mean NOW. RIGHT NOW!

we're not going to put how many elephants in case this is a dream but it is a high number, possibly a herd.