Sunday 1 August 2010


Director Duncan Jones' first feature film about Sam Bell an employee who is contracted by Lunar Industries to work on the moon and that's all we're saying because we don't want to give away the plot.

Trawling through the films on Love Film I came across this movie and without even reading the synopsis put it on the list because it had such a cool poster. Months later it turned up and before we watched it I was repeatedly asked what it was about, to which I replied 'the moon, I guess.' But when we came to watch it we were blown away. This should have got Sam Rockwell an Oscar nod - at least. It's incredible to think this movie was made for just $5m, it looks as if it's been filmed on location - on the moon! The entire movie literally has only one actor in it. It's a fantastic film. Brilliantly directed and superbly acted.
5 elephants

Best line - Sam: Gerty, is there someone else in the room?